Surrey-based, not-for-profit professional skiing experience
InfiniSki is a not-for-profit virtual skiing platform that accurately simulates the feeling of being on an actual ski slope. Once strapped in, the large screen instantly becomes your focus as you use your body to navigate the course, feeling every bump and contour of the slope.
“Lexie absolutely loved the session. So much so I didn’t get a look in!!! We’ll be booking more sessions. ”

Who is it for?
Infini-Ski is suitable for beginners who have yet to set foot on the snow, amateur/hobby skiers and boarders or professionals looking to refine their skills out of season - both children and adults. You can choose your difficulty level, whether to ski or board and we will have a special device that allows disabled or wheelchair-bound individuals to safely use the platform too.
Every session is hosted by a professional ski instructor, who is there for your safety and to help improve your technique.

Experience real G-force
The InfiniSki simulator features a powerful motion platform that accurately generates the same G-forces you find on the slope, working your muscles in exactly the same way and giving your whole body an immersive sensory experience.

Access all your sessions, stats and leaderboards*
Manage all your InfiniSki sessions using a dedicated app on your Apple or Android device, giving you instant access to detailed data generated during your training sessions.
*This feature will be available later this year

The ultimate experience
As one with the sim
Multiple sensors constantly track the position of you and your board, allowing the sim to know exactly what you are doing.
Learn the basics of boarding in a safe, warm environment with each session hosted by a professional instructor.
Feel the G-force
Computer-controlled professional motors generate powerful pull that accurately simulate the feeling of G-force on the slope.
Advanced skiers
Master your techniques and hone your skills when you can’t be on the slope, while putting your body through a physical workout.
Fully immersive
360 degree sound and vision puts you right in the centre of the downhill experience, with 100% accurate mapped courses.
Pros / athletes
The InfiniSki platform is used by the US Ski Team to develop their skills off the slope, allowing them to train throughout the year.